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Author: Yonasan

Taking Stock

This course attempts to link together the past 13 lectures to provide a meta-view of the topics covered. What emerges seems to be the idea

Creation From Nothing

Today we know the universe had a starting point. What that means from the perspective of physics is a hot topic but one things for

The Hero’s Journey

The world you exist in seems to have two planes of existence. One is a world of facts. The other is a world of meaning.

The Argument from Experience

The first two proofs for God approach this topic as if trying to reason out how it makes sense for an all powerful being exists

The Watchmaker and First Cause

The first principle calls for us to know God exists in so doing we’re called upon to develop proofs for His existence. The funny thing

Is There One Truth?

In this final class we return to the question of truth asking the question, is something born out of limitation or is it a manifestation

How Truth is Made

The definition of truth is not clear cut in Judaism. Is there one “truth” to be grasped or is truth something more organic than that?

Surviving Spirituality With Law

Video Description Jewish parables, refereed to as medrashim, are speckled throughout the Talmud. They’re nuanced, esoteric, and captivating. They also contain within them the spirit

Actualization Through Setting Limits

Actualizing your potential requires setting limits. It’s setting choices in what you will do but this is only accomplished by deciding what not to do.

Discovering Yourself

Taking yourself seriously means realizing no one else who has ever lived can compare to you or what unique gifts you have to offer this

The Living Chain of Tradition

Separating the Jewish people and it’s cultural character from Jewish law isn’t easy. For thousands of years the culture has dedicated itself towards one primary

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