Resist Self Criticism With Evidence
Weighing the evidence is a foundational CBT intervention designed to challenge negative self beliefs, personal schemas, and “what-if” rumination.
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Weighing the evidence is a foundational CBT intervention designed to challenge negative self beliefs, personal schemas, and “what-if” rumination.
Values are a direction in life but they aren’t enough to make you happy. Those values need to be transformed into actions in the form of goals.
What does Carl Jung and his depth psychology have to offer to psychotherapy and a better understanding of transcendence.
How to escape destructive short-term thinking and thrive with long-term thinking.
This website contains a listing of all the results of the questionnaire you took. It will constantly be updated as data comes in. The purpose
Most of us are taking on other people’s expectations. But what do you want to take on? Learn what is real and fake responsibility in this article.
How therapists can respond to a suicide attempt in clients with rigid overcontrolled issues
100 years of evidence shows therapy is extremely effective. Yet, research shows most therapists get worse with time. Learn why and how to avoid this trap.
Therapists think differently. Learn the different levels of clinical reasoning to improve your insights and effectiveness.
In this video learn how pain protects us from suffering and leads us to what is meaningful.
Assertiveness is setting boundaries that makes giving safer.
Learn what causes depression and how to tell if you have it.
Learn how to treat happiness like a science to maximize your wellbeing
When therapy clients are overwhelmed it’s going to be quite difficult for them to get a handle on what they are thinking. This CBT skill
Being locked into your beliefs can be a lot like a prison. Sealed inside, pain intensifies and festers. More than that, this type of prison
Separating thoughts from facts is extremely difficult. This video will explain how to escape this thought trap.
Knowing how much you’re suffering helps you see how much is also going right.
Idolatry at it’s basic level is the externalization of a person’s psychology. Feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that should remain inside the person and motivate growth
The fifth principle outlines that God alone is fitting to be worshiped and nothing else. This doesn’t just exclude the idea of idolatry but any
This is part two of the previous class. This course attempts to link together the past 13 lectures to provide a meta-view of the topics