General Clinical Trainings
one-and-done therapeutic skills training videos for clinicians
Staying Up To Date
The More You Know
This series presents an in-depth look at different therapeutic modalities. You will learn practical techniques and cutting edge research.
These videos will increase your theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Ultimately, they will enable you to better help your clients.
Carl Jung, Alchemy, And Psychotherapy: An Analysis Of The Jewish New Year As A Map To Psychotherapy
What does Carl Jung and his depth psychology have to offer to psychotherapy and a better understanding of transcendence.
How To Respond To Suicide
How therapists can respond to a suicide attempt in clients with rigid overcontrolled issues
Do Therapists Improve With Time?
100 years of evidence shows therapy is extremely effective. Yet, research shows most therapists get worse with time. Learn why and how to avoid this trap.
ACT Effectively: Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
ACT is a modern “third wave” process based psychotherapy which opens up an entirely new method of change that has been untapped by older therapy
Behaving Yourself – Behavioral Activation and the Limits of CBT in Treating Major Depression
n 1995 Dr. Neil Jacobson stumbled onto a surprising conclusion in the treatment of Major Depression – the limited and underused behavioral aspects of CBT